I am a physician specializing in mood disorders with practices in Roseville, Folsom and Yuba City. I have been referring my patients to Dr. Hamilton for over fifteen years. Without exception, every one of my patients have been helped and have had nothing but the highest opinions of both of these exceptional psychotherapists. He has been of immense assistance to my most complicated patients when medications alone have been insufficient to remit their myriad symptoms and difficulties. He has been very helpful in identifying and addressing the things that patients deal with in their lives that impede recovery, those life events and stressors that we physicians often miss in our medical – pharmacological approach to depression and anxiety disorders.
Moreover, there are too many to count instances where Dr. Hamilton’s insight has been pivotal in helping me to establish a more accurate diagnosis in complicated mood disorder patients. Likewise, I’ve been honored to consult with him on many of his patients who he accurately and quickly recognized as having a mood disorder for which psychotherapy plus medications would be the most effective treatment strategy to achieve full recovery.
It is an invaluable quality in a psychotherapist to recognize psychiatric disorders that require medical treatment as well as psychotherapy to achieve stabilization and resolution. You can be assured that Dr. Hamilton will treat you with the utmost care, compassion and competence. Without reservation he receives my highest recommendations!